Wong's Career Interest Assessment Questionnaire
Interest means the pleasure and satisfaction arisen from the different activities we engage. Since jobs involve different activities, some people will experience great pleasure and satisfaction in certain kind of jobs, which may not be enjoyable to others. Therefore, we will be more delighted at work if we can understand our own interest and match with our career choice.
Wong’s Career Interest Assessment Questionnaire categories career interest into 6 types. They are realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional.
This is a simplified version of the Questionnaire with 8 multiple-choice questions. Each question contains four choices. After completing the questionnaire, you will know your degree of interest in one of the career types.
©This questionnaire is developed and owned by Emeritus Professor Chi-Sum WONG, Department of Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Labour Department is authorized by Professor WONG to use this questionnaire.